Keynotes and Workshops


Resiliency: The Power of One

Reduces participants’ “bounce back time” from perceived injury. Participants will experience their own conscious and unconscious biases. They will employ strategies to adjust automatic negative thinking patterns. They will shift mindsets. While building self-image and self-respect, they will discover that resiliency emits from embracing the positive voices and silencing the negative ones.


The Trust Battleship

Takes us on a voyage of building compassion, gratitude, and self-awareness. It answers the question, “What do people experience when they experience me?” It guides us through building deep reservoirs of authenticity and understanding. When the relationship torpedoes hit, we won't get blown out of the water.

The Trauma-Drama Cycle guides us through processing our traumas and our dramas. We learn about stress, trauma, crises, and the connection throughout. We investigate our Adverse Childhood Experiences and map the connective tissue into our adult lives. And then we start answering the questions: How have we dealt with it? How can we deal with it? Can we resolve it?


Have You Heard Voices?

Guides us in processing voices. Participants will investigate past and present voices and discover which to ignore, which to entertain, and how to develop their own. Dr. Walker writes, “The problem with losing my voice wasn't the inability to speak, it was the inability to be heard. That's what abuse does. Abuse teaches we are invisible—that we can’t be heard.” Once people believe they cannot be heard, the most insidious lie takes root—what I do, what I say, doesn’t matter. Dr. Walker gives participants a toolkit for removing destructive voices, embracing constructive ones, and creating an instructive voice. What you do matters; it’s a life changer!


Build your Core

Is simply that: building your core beliefs and a systematic approach for implementing those beliefs. We take the question, “Who do you want to be?” and we reverse engineer it into actionable steps to reach that desired outcome. Resiliency measures how quickly one can recover. What if we couldn't be offended in the first place? What if we couldn’t be knocked down, we could only be knocked over? Our balance depends on building a strong core.